Mihalyo’s Beard Video at Borealis a festival of light…
Borealis is a new light-art festival in Seattle featuring video projection mapping, light sculpture, light art and interactive light experiences. I am proud to be selected as one of this years participants. I will be projecting a segment of my ongoing Beard Video project on a 60 x 100 foot wall on the corner of Thomas Street and Westlake Avenue North throughout the four nights of the festival. The festival is free and open to all ages 6-10pm OCT 11-14th. For more information visit https://borealisfestivaloflight.com

In addition to participating in Borealis as an artist, the festival promoters have contracted with our company WORKSHOP 3D to construct and deploy an Augmented Reality app for this event.

Our app festivAR is free to download on Android and iOS. (Search: festivAR) The app is a self-guided walking tour of all the installations and it includes location information for parking and other South Lake Union neighborhood festival services.