15 openings in 15 weeks


15 openings in 15 weeks

Thank you!

As my Abstract Alternatives show at Dendroica Gallery in Seattle comes to a close this week I would like to thank all those who made it a success. Especially proprietor Martha Dunham, writer Russell Smith, PR-man Steven Vroom, and writer Elisa Mader for her review in Cincinnati’s arts publication AEQAI.


During the next week I open three more shows.

On Thursday May 12, The Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA) presents artists working with augmented reality in a show titled CoCA Pop-Up (AR)t. My contribution in this group show is a AR version of my painting Suitors. A companion book has been published including all the work from the show and is available for $20 from their web site.

Opening in Astoria Oregon on Saturday May 14 at RiverSea Gallery is a solo presentation titled East is West. The oil paintings are a collection of new and older works that span 15 years. I was invited to show at RiverSea as one of the artist who worked on the mural restoration of the landmark Astoria Column.

On Thursday May 19, Black Lab Gallery in Everett presents a group show curated by Anne Grgich titled Archaelogies of the Extraordinary Everyday. Black Lab Gallery is Everett’s newest art spot. Recently I presented travel photography for their two-month inaugural exhibit which closes this weekend as well.

For me these three exhibits will end the streak of 15 opening in as many weeks. The show storm was a challenging run that also put me in the hospital with stress related symptoms. My health is fine yet I discovered my limits. Although I have a few more shows opening in the year ahead, I will look forward to a change of pace in the coming months. My next missive in early August will announce my inclusion with a special exhibition of European Visionary artists.
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Have a great summer!

Artist working in traditional and new media.